About a month ago, I saw this video from the youtuber @NoBoilerplate called How to Finish Every Project. He talks about the various things that pull us away from getting things done and one of them is our attatchment to our ideas. Being overly attatched to them overvalues them and prevents us from executing. He says to give your ideas away for free to free your mind and focus on that one thing that you can do. It is the doing that is worth something and maybe someone else can do something with your ideas.
I don’t have facebook anymore, so I haven’t had a place to share my ideas for few years now. So I made this website. It took longer than is probably imaginable given that it is so simple, but I had to learn jekyll anyway for a different project so I thought that I would make this using that. I have some satisfaction in it given that it is mostly from scratch using CSS, HTML, Jekyll and Liquid.